I'm a strong lifelong Christian and I was thoroughly blown away by this film. What an outstanding performance by Brendan Fraser.
To me it wasn't a story about accepting sinful lifestyles, or an attack on Christianity. It's a story about a very broken man who has suffered much. A man who probably hates himself, but sees the good in everyone else. He loved people.
And we find out that he was desperately trying to care for his daughter with his living without basic necessities, health insurance, etc... To save his money for her.
In a real sense his hope was in his daughter living a happy and successful life regardless if he was in it. He was extremely selfless. And no, I don't condone his gay lifestyle, but he was truly Christ to others. Serving them. His students, his daughter, his kindness to the young missionary.
It left me with more compassion for those who truly suffer in life.