I bloody adore Louis and to see his option and his thoughts, ideas and what he thought during his life, I sat crying for so long, and sat smiling though the tears it was an emotional rollercoaster, one I will go though over and over, it's beautiful, a bloody masterpiece, thank you Louis and charlie lighting for this peice of artwork, something that will forever remain with me, something I shall probably never move on from.
You deserve your success and so much more, thank you for being you, saving me and writing the most captivating, beautiful, moving songs, along with making a documentary that was so perfect and to show us what your life is like, thank you for sharing this with us, and thank you to all the crew and your band mates, you deserve all the success that is thrown at you and I might have cried and had to put the ambulance on speed dial but I got though it (bearly) and on so happy and proud to be able to witness this bloody show stopper and masterpiece :)