The first and the second movie was amazing. The third one could’ve given a little more, but this one is trash, the creeper hunts strictly off of fear. He smells what he likes in the fear this creeper did not attempt to scare anybody before killing them. He just murdered them instead of making this creeper the horrifying killer he is supposed to be, he is an off the chain serial killer. And if somebody anybody can answer me on the whole, he wants to take the baby to be reborn. I don’t exactly understand it because in the comics they have him as an Aztec dragon god that they sacrifice children to and then eventually just went to the whole mass murder spree. If I’m not mistaken, jeepers creepers does not need to be reborn. He just have to eat hearts after heart brain after brain arm after arm, and he can survive effortlessly with just that and they made the creeper seem like a little wuss Puss. The creeper would never need help from humans to trap prey or anything like that and I don’t think the creeper whatever work with somebody on another note, they could have done a much better job on the make up the 2001 creeper scares me and still scares me way more than whatever makeup affects I’ve seen in this movie and don’t get me started on the CGI blood and gore that was just not it for me . No hate on the actors. They did their best, but even the special effects team could have done so much better than what they did to be honest.