Terrible, been getting worse since 2017. Ai defending is terrible, passing is garbage and I am considering switching to manual.
NO FOUL CALLS?!? They took out like half of the foul calls and some people just play by fouling all game. I spammed b on my friend just to prove nothing gets called as I rip him to the ground. When you take a ball from an attacker be prepared and 75% of the time it goes right back to them whether you slide tackle the ball and it barely bounces 2 feet or you keep kicking the ball into his shins or unrealistic rebounds off the side post for a second shot. Terrible goalie deflections on many saves. Camera angle is terrible, same as any old fifa.
No improvements from past games in my opinion they have hurt the game. Player turning is so slow that the best way to attack is counter attacking. Way too much counter attacking.
Goalies are useless 1v1 and players refuse to shoot with their off foot even if it is highly rated. I like that defending is more timed, but the steps are never in the direction of the ball and my players constantly watch balls roll right past them.
Shots are very unrealistic sometimes, especially with the amount of rockets that go directly into the back corner of the net. No finesse shots anymore.
Terrible game