I watched the first 7 or 8 episodes at the urging of someone who is squarely in the Ted Lasso fan club. I started to find it insufferable pretty quickly. It's not that Ted was hired despite having no knowledge of soccer. It's that he showed no apparent interest in learning. He left all of those nasty little details like, you know, :"coaching" to his assistant, Coach Beard. No, Ted has really important things to do. Like baking tasty little cookies for his boss, handing out toy soldiers, and doling out "life lessons" as if anyone with any sense would take advice from someone who refuses to do his job or raise his kid. Another poster correctly and eloquently touched on that one already. He's SO committed to family that he puts an ocean between himself and them. A regular Andy Griffith! But it's not just Ted. It's ALL of the characters. Ted's wife leaves him because she "just doesn't feel the same." Uhhhh, TOUGH!! You're not breaking up with your high school boyfriend here! You took a VOW and you have a young child counting on you! And, while your husband may be a lightweight nerd, it's not like he's beating you or cheating on you. So? He's annoying. I agree! But you have COMMITMENTS! I made the mistake of making that (should be obvious) observation in front of the show's fan who got me to try it. This person actually got angry and snapped at me that I was "projecting." Well, that may be. But facts are facts. This show is full of self-indulgent twerps who value only "feelings" but have zero use for responsibility. If you want to accept "life lessons" from people like that, then this show is for you. As for me, this show seems to perfectly encapsulate exactly what is wrong with people today. They want success without earning it. You don't need to work tirelessly to master your sport if you want to succeed at it. You just need an up-with-people seminar. Give your teammates a great big hug! Want to be a great dad? Move halfway around the world and talk about your feelings a lot! God awful. Top to bottom.