It’s tough, I wanted to like this game. My girl and I have played lots of games together Diablo 4 the most recent title. GoW: Ragnarok, FF 10,12, 14, 15, Cyberpunk, WoW, borderlands, and many more. I do the tough fights and she does the smart people puzzles. I’m usually biding my time till I get the controller, biting my tounge when she uses an off meta strat.
First game that I’ve tried to coerce her in keeping the controller the whole time. Unless, of course, she makes me do a boss fight. Even gave her the controller back for the Eikon fights.
I’m actually fully convinced this isn’t a game, but a graphics demo designed to bait people into buying the newest Sony system for the exclusive series’ newest release. Unfortunately they goated Square ENIX into selling their golden goose for some corn feed.
They got the dog, the Chocobos, the moogle, and even Cid. But be warned, this ain’t Final Fantasy.
“Toxic, blah,blah,blah” I will reserve the right to my opinion, tyvm.
Save your $$$, and deft don’t buy a freakin PS5 for this mooglefart of a game.
And guess what, I didn’t waist any time posting this, I typed the whole thing while she was watching a cutscene for a 20 minute side quest that gave her 15xp and 5 common reagents.