I have been watching this show and am appalled.
What have young people at home learned about so called experts? They are clearly not very good at their job? So never go to one yourself?
The two girls causing the most trouble are not being called to order by anyone. One is snogging someone else, the crew etc all know and nothing is being done ...disgusting, and Olivia is just a very very nasty young women , very self opinionated, sly, and intent on making trouble.
I hope she never teaches. She is judgemental, critical ,self satisfied , a snob and needs therapy. The ice block girl who has driven her partner crazy is a key example of very poor selection by the so called experts.
This program could be called SURVIVOR IN DRESSES. I can't and won't watch any more. The channel should take responsibilty. Life is not just about money and so called success.