Title: Chauvinism and Misogyny Shroud "Animal": A Rant Against Indian Cinema's Regressive Values
Rating: 1/5
( I'm changing my rating to -1/5)
It is disheartening to witness the release of yet another Hindi Bollywood film that perpetuates regressive and misogynistic values. "Animal" presents a dismal portrayal of relationships, anger issues and appears to actively applaud polygamy along with the control and objectification of women. Its promotion of archaic mentalities clashes with the progressive values that should be upheld in Indian society today.
The film goes on to explicitly convey that his wife should refrain from remarrying if he dies while he himself engages in extramarital affair, emphasizing a disturbing power dynamic in the relationship. These problematic themes are magnified further by his comments on her body, particularly her pelvis, objectifying her as a mere vessel.
By focusing on the protagonist's anger issues and polygamous lifestyle, "Animal" sends a troubling message to Indian youths, suggesting that such behavior is aspirational or acceptable. Much like "Kabir Singh" or "Arjun Reddy," which garnered similar criticism, "Animal" inadvertently promotes toxic masculinity and undermines the value system of Sanatan Dharma.
It is essential for Indian audiences to recognize the damage such movies can have on the mentality of the younger generation. The perpetuation of these regressive values contradicts the progress made towards gender equality and respect for women. Therefore, it is imperative for informed viewers to boycott films like "Animal" that perpetuate and normalize harmful patriarchal beliefs.
Instead, Indian cinema should focus on producing movies like "Sam Bahadur" that invoke patriotism and evoke emotional connections with our nation. Unveiling stories of genuine heroism and selfless sacrifice, films like "Sam Bahadur" have the power to shape the collective consciousness of Indian youths who will be the torchbearers of our future.
While it is disappointing to note the huge box office numbers that "Animal" generated, amounting to 131 crore Rupees, it is important to remember that the gross income does not equate to the worth or quality of the film. "Sam Bahadur," though earning only 15 crore Rupees, resonates deeply with patriotic sentiments, showcasing the untold tales of our brave soldiers. It is through movies like this, that celebrate our nation's heroes, which can instill a stronger sense of national pride and foster unity among the Indian youth.
In conclusion, "Animal" exemplifies the problematic aspects of contemporary Bollywood cinema, promoting misogyny, polygamy, and controlling behavior as acceptable. It is crucial for discerning Indians to reject such movies, endorsing a collective boycott to protect the values of Sanatan Dharma and safeguard the mentality of our youth. Emotionally charged movies like "Sam Bahadur" deserve wider recognition and support, for they hold the potential to strengthen our bond with our own nation and foster a positive, progressive mindset.