I was strongly on her side in the begining You give your life to helping Individuals who not only have disabilities but are marginized and not considered "Normal in many ways" ( her own ways in the begining) NBot only that you learned those caring aspects from your mnothers lifes work...
So those previous coimments want us to beleive as a professor she never had any inclinations to do something with students (Nor is there proof of anything) (if she was so freaky) and that happens all the time in colleges I KNOW my wife is a professor I assume also that she lost because maybe there was never any proof of him writing any of those papers alone...(but I wish the defendents had found proof of that) toward the end I somewhat saw the other side and maybe she did just want to help a person feel what its like (thats possible) But is that worthy of going to jail for ... People in life Shut down for mamy reasons maybe his lost of her love made him not demonstrate that he was intelligent So now Im somewhere in the middle please somne people who are more Open to both sides this Post has been somewhat one sided