While I was expecting something else from a show called “Your Honor” the director actually had the opportunity to showcase this show in a different light without perpetuating the stereotypes that LAW and ORDER is conveniently absent when it comes down to race and/or Brown African American individuals. The character of the judge had one job and that was to do the “right” thing but instead he let his “better” judgement get the best of him and yet he continued to spiral into a misleading and dishonest individual but the continued failure to do the right thing. The judge went as far as to setting up his black colleague who was also a judge but taking her out for drinks knowing there was a possibility that driving while black is typically a crime in itself but drunk driving is the ultimate no no when driving while black and asking questions.
I only continued to watch the show because I wanted to know how far they would take the storyline but it’s a shameless storyline that allows these concepts and characters to still shape the minds of people who already believe a persons skin color is a threat.
The judge has decided that without better judgment he took the land of the law and used it for his personal benefits.
To be BLACK in America will forever be a crime and despite daily struggles amongst black people television shows like this continue to push the agenda that the black race alone is deserving of this treatment