Completed the game, 100%. Moon Studios managed to do the impossible: They not only living up to the standards set by The Blind Forest, but exceeded them in every way.
The overall presentation is jaw dropping, with a graphical style that won't age accompanied with an earworm soundtrack that perfectly encapsulates every moment flawlessly. The arsenal of weapons and abilities Ori gets this time around flow so smoothly into the already established gameplay from the first that you'll find yourself grappling and dashing so often to keep the momentum up, and meaningful sidequests and upgrades will all but ensure you'll use all of them at least once.
The story is masterfully told with a cast of colorful and memorable characters to round out the already established ones (Although, I am a bit saddened by Naru and Gumo getting lesser roles this time), and an ending that left me in tears. I won't be forgetting it any time soon.
I'll be keeping my 5 star rating, despite the bugs on display. I ran into very few in my playthrough, but that doesn't detract from others that have experienced them. Moon Studios has already stated they're working on fixing some of them, starting this week.
If you own Game Pass or want a compelling platformer, you HAVE to play it. If you loved The Blind Forest, you NEED to play it. It's a masterclass of its genre, and very few other games could ever hope to reach its peaks.