This movie is absolutely terrible. It epitomizes how awful the entertainment industry is right now. Disney and Pixar churned out this movie and tried to get people interested in a lion king rip off with dinosaurs. The plot has exhausting twists and turns, and it just makes you wish that Arlo would die. I see a lot of comments about how the animation is beautiful. Let me tell you, that is a LIE. The animation style is cartoonish mixed with real life textures. At some points, it looks like real pictures just being animated over. At some points, the animation is visually sickening. The lightning looked so unrealistic that is actually looked like 70s movie effect. The plot was NEVER ENDING. They somehow made a 1 and a half hour long movie feel like a 3 hour movie. At every turn, arlo is somehow hurt and survives. It is tiresome. There is no real character development. Arlo goes on the most over the top adventure somehow survives and comes home. The movie didn’t need to happen and the adventure made no sense. The animation was POOR. The plot was terrible. The ONLY remotely enjoyable scene is when Arlo and spot eat fermented berries and trip balls in the middle of the movie and it makes no sense. It caught me completely off guard and I felt like the movie was a prank or gag because it was terrible but then they throw a hallucinogenic drug scene into a children’s movie.