Once again Hollywoke ruins another great opportunity. Who would've thought that the cast of this trash would've been so evenly proportioned. A white female,black guy playing the android yay, Asian, mexican,jew,and gay characters. The black robot just came off as an annoying autistic boy. The girls all had boys names and acted like theyre pronouns were they/him or whatever. Ofcourse the females act stronger and smarter in a crisis than the males.blah blah it's funny how they didnt scream and act up like all women actually do when they get scared. The plot sucked,acting was lame, the cgi was TERRIBLE on Ash,and the whole feel of the movie was like watching Goosebumps. Movie sucked worse than Prey. Why can't they hire real men to shoot a real movie anymore and not give a s%#* about being Inclusive or PC. That's why all the best movies, the ones that are still talked about and copied today,were written and directed by guys and non of them had a cast this horrible. They had grown ups who knew how to actn