Lets get this straight right from the get-go. You people who go through this movie with a magnifying glass and a determination to pinpoint every piece of this movie that you dont think was up to your gold standard of movie making, sit down and go watch you empire ateikes back, or star wars film. Quentin Tarantino is hands down the most talented movie maker of are time. There are no flaws in this movie. Tarantino is the master of bringing actors to their full potential. All his movies you have to pay attention to the acting and the relationships that he builds between every character in his movie. The way the lines are said, the facial expressions. He makes you feel like you know these characters personally. He is a genius when it comes to storytelling and making such a big movie like this its downright the most amazing time consuming well thought out project in Hollywood. I guarantee there might be 1 or 2 writer directors in this business that trys to do it like Tarantino but his style is so unique and well made that you can tell 5 minutes into any movie if it is made with the passion and discipline of Quentins movies. Im so tired of these Directors and producers that bring in these want to be directors that think they have a clue how to make a great movie. There are a few dont get me wrong. Christopher Nolan, Steven Spielberg, Martin Scorsese, just to name a few. Anyway maybe Im getting off topic. What I want to make clear is you feel good movies before even walking into the theatre. You know in your heart before you even go inside if your gonna enjoy the movie. I know I get a huge burst of excitement when Im going to see a Martin Scorzezz film compared to when Im going to see a Kevin Hart film or a Rock film. I know you cant compare the two feelings. But you know quality when you see it. But you also feel it. Movies have been making people dream big forever. Thats why it so important to have a Tarantino, a Scorsese, a Christopher Nolan, a Spielberg, a James Cameron, but thats not all. Communication and chemistry between the actors are the most important thing in a good movie. Without that face it your movie is gonna suck. Thats why Tarantino is such a genius. He finds finds the best actors that he feels would have the best chemistry and hes always point on. Leonardo DiCaprio is my all-time favorite actor who makes me want to act. His passion and on screen presence is something your born with. He is a true star and I think he is also a really good person who I respect and qould love to hang out with one-day. Anyway theres one more thing. About 12 years ago My ex-finance and I were watching a Tarantino film and she looks over at me and says Jameel is Tarantino a. genius?? I said Katie I just think he may be!!!