So, I have not been bashful about my position when it comes to this series, which the more I watch the less I like it. I am absolutely happy to see the short comings and flaws of the Jedi coming out, however I can NOT watch another season... especially with a whole new cast of characters. Furthermore, the only surviving semi-leading Jedi is the WORST ACTRESS IN THE BUNCH!! It's almost as if the intent is to make sure the series is a failure. I stand by my stance that Jecki Lon should have become the true lead of the show and now with Sol dead the last character of any real structure and standing is gone. The more the Twins are involved the less I care about the series at all, they are SERIOUSLY THE WORST PART! Okay, second worst after Vernestra Rwoh, her acting is atrocious. I am not just attacking the series, I want quality and that has not been achieved here, and I want a good story, and again I feel like that is a give us like 2 characters with actual growth then kill them once they become worth while and give us dull lifeless story with the remaining. Darth Plageous might be fun to see coming up, I am less enthusiastic about Yoda, but he is literally EVERYWHERE! I want characters I can actually enjoy watching a show for, that LIVE, but you took everyone worth watching for and killed them, played the record backwards and are literally giving us the exact same thing in reverse now. I have heard better story telling from a five year old, quite literally, and I do mean LITERALLY! I don't think I would watch another season at this point. I really hoped for a good turn around and it didn't happen. Short of Jecki coming back in a BIG way and kicking some tail, which isn't gonna happen, and the twins dying off with Vernestra to make way for some GOOD ACTING.... Would absolutely love to see good female leads (keep naming the best ones you guys killed off for no good reason...Jecki and Indara)...this series isn't worth the time!!