It was THE WORST after movie BY FAR. The entire first half of the movie is just Hardin partying and getting in to trouble and missing Tessa, basically no character development until he gets out in jail, and they added this POINTLESS character NATALIE….and she’s basically only there to make Hardin seem like he’s had more development but I don’t really feel anything for her because she was only for like 30 MINUTES. DON’T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE ENDING, They see each other after a long time at his brothers wedding and he MAKES HIS SPEECH ABOUT HIM AND THEN JUST KISSES TESSA LIKE THEY DIDN’T EVEN TALK OR COMMUNICATE OR WORK OUT THERE PROBLEMS THAT THEY VERY MUCH HAD. AND THEN I JUST ENDS WITH HIM PROPOSING TO HER WITH HIS PLASTIC LOOKING RING AND DOES A TIME SKIP TO THEM HAPPILY MARRIED. I know it’s probably just some 14 year old who wrote this on warped in 2009 but they could have ATLEAST made it a little different for the movie, the entire series flopped after the second movie and NO ONE can tell me otherwise.