Margarita Barresi’s novel, A Delicate Marriage, is an engaging exploration of the intersectionality of race, gender, and economic status in Puerto Rico. The novel follows the lives of Isabela and Marco, a young Puerto Rican couple who are trying to navigate the complexities of their ever-changing marriage. The book is full of cultural and historical references that will make you feel like you’re right there in Puerto Rico with the characters.
Isabela and Marco’s marriage is a metaphor for the relationship between a colony and its metropolitan state (the US). Isabela struggles to assert her own sovereignty within the constraints of a traditional marriage where women’s needs are often overlooked. The novel also provides an introduction to the history and politics of Puerto Rico, which is both informative and serves as a refresher course for those of us raised on the island.
Overall, I found this to be a well-crafted novel that I enjoyed reading from start to finish. If you’re interested in learning more about Puerto Rican culture and history, or if you just want to read a great historical novel, I highly recommend A Delicate Marriage.