If you are a fan of the first game, it'd be wise to save your money and watch the walkthroughs on youtube. Don't reward the writers of this game by spending your money. Naughty Dog tried too hard to be different and it ultimately ended up ruining the potential of a great series.
I have played/rewatched the first game numerous times over the course of the last 7 years. If you are anything like me who created a bond with the original characters you will finish this game dissatisfied, disappointed, and frustrated.
The game feels like a bad dream to me. ND should have left the TLoUS at the first game rather than put out this garbage. I'll give it an extra star because the gameplay is still enjoyable as the first one.
If a third game is announced, I will be tuning in via youtube rather than purchasing it. I don't see how they could redeem themselves or where they could take the story to get the first game's audience back on board.