melissa grelo has got more and more annoying. she exhibits waaay too much of me this, me that, me me MEEE...i'm this, i'm that, i think this, my that....she makes everything about her and somehow always brings dialogue back focusing the topic about herself and/or her daughter. her annoying voice and cackle forced laugh (that long last haaaaaa at the end of her series of ha's). can we please just REPLACE her or have more LESS of her. thank goodness for guests and adding other people on the panel. can she also keep it to herself about her love for J-Lo on the show. everyone else on the show is just cynthia, lainey, jess, and candy but seriously, melissa is too TOO much and should tone it down A LOT. she is LOUD in every way. she thinks she's better and smarter than her cohosts and everyone else. OVERdone...OVERdressed...OVERboard..OVERmademake-up compared to everyone. crop tops and knee high boots?? dress more professionally appropriate please. you're not going clubbing. you are a talk show host. you are also loud, super ANNOYING and irritating to listen to and watch. please GET RID of her!!! it's all about HER!!!
2022 she's still OVERly annoying...