Now I understand it's a survival game but there's no story behind the infection, no dialogue into the game. As survival we all need to eat and drink and stay warm well there's no food other than one pear in your bag after several attempts to loot houses I found one can of Cola, A rifle without ammo, multivitamins that don't add to health stats so pointless for game use I'd say. The graphics are reasonably fine however once you get into a fight with a zombie and win they kinda just flop to the ground? Nothing like any other zombie survival game. At the start you get spawned in the middle of nowhere couple of miles away from any houses or estates and there is minor loot such as jumpers that you can't wear, tracksuits, sewing kits. I understand that it's a survival game and it's set in a dark time for humanity but if you can drink cola that's still in date why can't you loot through a trash can for some food? That's my main concern about this game lack of supplies and you die from starvation.