You know what will be an interesting story plot or season for Force? Lisa Marie Proctor comes back after Tommy. After he killed her father, she went with Benny and stayed with her Aunt while Benny was getting killed. What if all that time gone she used it to get tougher and go after Tommy in Chicago. Now it won't be because she looked for him because he's supposed to be dead right. What if she just came across him? Now that still won't do it because she doesn't know. It could be done 2 ways. The lazy way, her aunt told her. The hardway will be since Chicago PD is after him. News stories come out about Tommy and everyone they suspected he killed. A big story about her father. I can even hear and see every word played out. The storyline they could introduce and the special effects could make that season crazy. Highlighting everything she learned to get even with him.
You could actually make it two seasons if he shoots her and doesn't die. Then she comes back hard-core for vengeance. Insane shoot outs. Dropping bodies left and right. Tommy's biggest enemy yet. That would be crazy. I would love to see that.