The greatest movie franchise that’s been ruined completely. The movie has no plot; many incidents in the movie point to the fact that JJ and crew just wanted to end the story on a “somewhat good ending” to answer all the unanswered questions, but this in turn packed a whole bunch of nonsense into a movie that seemed all over the place, essentially a big mashup. Many characters like General Hux, Poe, and the Knights of Ren, which all had great potential, end up as losers. Even C-3PO’s role is messed up, when they erase his memory to retrieve the location of the way finder, which turned out to be useless because it gets smashed by Kylo. Rey and Kylo Ren fight it out at the Death Star scene for no reason, because Kylo doesn’t even want to kill her because he needs to bring Rey alive to Palpatine. And Rey ends up force healing Kylo Ren after she fatally stabs him, which, by the way can only be done by the extremely powerful, well-trained Jedi of old and which wouldn’t make sense if she intentionally tried killing him. But nooo, she just happens to be so powerful (flashback to Force Awakens when Rey defeats Kylo Ren with no training at all) even though we know she’s not a real Skywalker, but Palpatine’s granddaughter! This also shows that the title “Rise of Skywalker” is misleading because there’s no real Skywalker here! This also almost disregards Anakin’s chosen-oneness because it means that he really wasn’t destined to defeat Palpatine, who was the Great Sith Lord! Then JJ looped around in hopes of somehow connecting the new trilogy with the original saga and made Rey say that she’s a “Skywalker,” even though she’s not even related to them. Also, when Palpatine sucked out force energy from both Kylo and Rey and basically regained his heightened power, he STILL couldn’t defeat Rey, who’s an untrained novice! And to top it all off, Rey ends up kissing Kylo romantically as he’s about to die, who’s a murderer and the largest enemy of the Resistance, but there she is. Oh and also, death doesn’t seem to carry any real weight here: Everyone thinking Chewie died is surprised to find out he actually wasn’t on the blown up transport, C3PO who gives an emotional final goodbye to his friends but then his memory is magically restored by R2! And then when Rey heals Kylo after he’s dying by a fatal stab wound that Rey inflicted on her. And also when Kylo saves Rey AFTER SHE DIES! that’s not even possible with other force wielders, yet here we are. All these new troops are introduced for nothing but for the production of toys. Disney has no regard for the quality or story, but just are popping out sucky movies for the money, because they know all these deluded fans will pay for Star Wars TRASH! They couldn’t keep a consistent story because the movie was skipping around from place to place with without real background
Star Wars as we once knew has come to an end. George Lucas, we need you! One would think that for such a big production movie trilogy, the producers would try a little harder to make the story right at least for God’s Sake. Oh and, the lightsaber fights are terrible, and are nothing compared to the original fights like Obi Wan against Anakin. Everything’s been ruined.