I’ve played every Assassins Creed since the first
(excluding mobile). This game is alright, but not great. The combat is clunky compared to others in the series, I know it’s Vikings, but it’s just not smooth combat and the stealth is a joke to this same point. It is a vast and empty world where you grind collect Wealth, Mysteries, and Artifacts for the sake of collecting Wealth, Mysteries, and Artifacts. The Assassinations are, in a way, a tribute to AC1 without any of the cool aspects AC1 had( although less grindy thankfully). In comparison to Odyssey or Origins they took out a lot of the god mode factors which actually helped the game not feel as sluggish but now it’s more realistic I guess. The graphics are good, the combats not good, the story’s alright if you stay in the animus, and they haven’t really added anything new except your Village area upgrades and being able to do in game purchases. Overall the game is okay but I probably would have just waited for the next one if I could go back in time.