In Vivarium, a couple named Tom and Gemma find themselves trapped in a strange suburban neighborhood called Yonder. They are unable to escape, and their attempts only lead them back to the same house. As they stay longer, they start to experience strange occurrences and witness the growth of a mysterious child named "Young Boy."
My theory is that Vivarium is a metaphor for the monotonous and suffocating nature of suburban life. The neighborhood represents a metaphorical trap, symbolizing the repetitive routines and societal expectations that can make us feel stuck. The child, Young Boy, could represent the embodiment of conformity and the pressures to conform to societal norms.
The movie explores themes of existentialism, isolation, and the loss of individuality. It challenges us to question the meaning of life and the choices we make. Ultimately, the interpretation of the movie is open-ended, and different viewers may have different theories and perspectives. What do you think of this interpretation?