First 5 episodes spot on. Last 3, the train came off the track. It seems with the last 3 episodes, the writers were just throwing out anything and there were too many red herrings and implausible actions by certain characters. I don't want to spoil anything but let me just say that if you guess who the killer is, you deserve the Sherlock Holmes award of the year. Once the killer is revealed, I thought "no how....impossible". To think back at what the killer did and the contraptions that were set up and who the killer killed, there was just no way. The rationale of the killer at the end made no sense at all and especially, the actions of the main character on the show. You have to suspend all belief to make this work and it just doesn't. The show was real promising for awhile but the last 3 episodes were just a mess. I would give a 9 for the first 5 episodes. I would give a 2 for the last 3 episodes. Hence, thumbs down for me. Very similar to the Netflix series, Hellbound. Starts off really good and off the tracks it goes. Too bad......