You will see a lot of these reviews saying this game is garbage but in all honesty I feel like they just didn’t give the game a chance a lot of people state that the Lore was off and stuff But a lot of people don’t realize that the time period is way before the events of fallout four and fallout three I think the story is terrific it branches off into a bunch of different things and when you do an all these quests they lead to new amazing areas and places to explore and with the new updates slamming the game right now the game has gotten 100 times better I also honestly think game play with friends is very fun and rewarding along with base building I think its one of my favorite things to do ( I make some crazy s**t ) I mean they could do a little more with it but that’s just my opinion because I love base building If you love fallout but you only love the single player experience this may not be your game but if it’s on sale give it a shot or hey if you like enjoying risks just go ahead and get it because let me just say it their is no way you could hate this game.. also there are settings to make it seem like a single player experience but I definitely recommend this game with at least one friend that loves fallout just as much as you do