I’m from Honduras, and this movie is telling the truth about human traffickers and how they operate. My two younger sisters and I were almost kidnapped from school one day when I was 10yo, but thanks God we didn’t trust the man who went to pick us up claiming my mom had sent him. We hid in the restroom and told our teachers that my mom would never send anyone to pick us up. She used to do it herself every day. So the principal called her to confirm and we were right. The man ran away when he realized his jig was up.
Evildoers are like cockroaches: they are everywhere and are difficult to eradicate. But the day is coming when God and King Jesus Christ will eliminate them all forever. And God’s children will laugh at the end. 😏 Oh yeah!
PS: those who are bashing this movie are obviously either one of these: pedophiles, sex traffickers, or pornography consumers. Take a pick. No decent person would speak against this movie nor the amazing work of awareness is doing. Screw, may I add, you, evildoers!