Great film we need more like this to shed the light on Government Overreach and to give more transparency on the torture in our Government to find a way to charge those who treat any human outside what they decide are the new laws in the US. We all obey the Law but the Laws that are in the Constitution and anyone in this Country regardless of where they came from if they are in our custody they are within our border and therefore are within the US Constitution our rights, our laws and if we as American's can't even hold ourselves to a Higher Standard than the that of our own Laws we don't get the right to call ourselves American's I have been an American for 28 years of my life I will continue to give anyone who is in this Country the Benefit of the Doubt and treat everyone who is within the outline of the United States or other Jurisdictions I will always treat them with Dignity and Respect. For if we are Monsters then we are not Human. Even if it leads to your death never stop searching for the Truth