This movie sucked. I went in with high hopes and left feeling disappointed. The main reasons this movie was god awful are:
1. The plot makes ZERO sense. Things are just thrown in and happen without any rhyme or reason. An example is the whole scene with Lucy in the hair salon and the lady being burned. It's never mentioned ever again afterwards. The karate scene as well. The thing with the neighbors and tennis also feels out of place. Poppy gets Gru to steal the honey badger and wants him to return to a life of crime. But why does he even agree to go with her? They just met and she's a child. Makes no sense.
2. The main villain (Maxime) felt very underdeveloped. The concept was actually really cool, and I loved his character design. But he feels lame. He wants to kidnap Gru's baby, but for what? Revenge for a freshman year talent show? The motive is weak and barely mentioned at best. The scenes we get are cool, but there's no substance to them.
3. The dialouge was sometimes hard to listen to. Gru didn't feel like Gru. He felt toned down and afraid of everything. It made me cringe in my seat. When he would talk to his son I wanted to shoot my brains out.
Also the girls were just there?? They felt so out of place, and the only interesting thing we got from them was Margo's new school but that was mentioned one time.
Overall the movie was pretty bad. Would not watch it again. If you have a lobotomized 5 year old they might like it because it's made for someone with the smallest attention span. Everything happens so quick and it feels rushed. The ending was cool but Vector had to do the floss and ruin it. The only acceptable scene was when the super minion was in the casino. Because you never lose in gambling. Instead of spending your money on this horrible movie, gamble it instead.