Good manners and etiquette are essentials in our lives. While young children learn basic principles of respecting others, they learn to respect themselves. By practicing good manners, we not only show the best we have to offer but also encourage others to be their best. It’s really important that the children learn these at young age.
I was totally blown away by the informative nature of this book "Pepper Say, Please!" by Sumehra Sneha. As a young writer and illustrator, she did a wonderful job in showing the importance of good manners towards other people such as learning how to say “please”. Probably my most favorite moment in this book was when Pepper learned how to say "Please" in a complete sentence! As a preschool teacher, I would recommend this book to children ages 2 to first time readers since there is nothing inappropriate in this book. The simplistic format, writing, and the illustration of the book are perfect for a young age.
I will surely read this to my students the first week of classes so they know what I expect in my classroom the rest of the school year.