This isn’t an easy watch at times. You get to see the underbelly of inner city criminality which we know exists, but we prefer not to think about. This is British drama at its best, well written, superbly acted, dark and laugh out loud funny. But I’m a scouser so I’m biased, plus I can cope with the accents. I couldn’t agree more with the other reviews that talk about the first episode. Don’t let this put you off, it’s setting the scene and it just gets better.
If you come away caring about these people, then you know the writer and production team have pulled it off. I loved this drama, sincerely hope the cast are rewarded. Tony Schumacher the writer was inevitably able to draw on his experiences as a Police officer and even though this led to a breakdown and leaving the job, he still incorporates sufficient humour to balance it out. That’s what scousers do, it’s our default and It works.