Some fun experiences but overall an awful game. Gameplay is some of the worst as I have never experienced a pistol two shotting at 150 meters which was the same for my marksman rifles. Also, for players to be shot point blank by a slug round on center body mass and they don't die half the time but the same happens to me and I die every time, infuriates me. This games mantling is a horrendous experiences when climbing walls or getting through windows.
I also fully believe this game has variable damage for players. I watch my kill cams and don't believe what I see when I get 7 hit markers with the same gun as the enemy and they only need 3 (both of us being at full health and all shots were mid chest shots)
Some of the bots in the DMZ and Warzone are so freakishly insane and you just get annihilated.
I thought at first the gun leveling system was smart, but soon came to realize it was one of the worst qualities of the game. I couldn't unlock one gun unless I leveled up three others, of different gun categories, a ridiculous amount.
This game crashes a lot as well, of which my hardware and software is all up to date and no issues there. It is purely just the game that is crashing and not my pc I have concluded. Even after sending numerous complaints the crashing remained and has remained for 2 months. It was not this way in the beginning and only started about 1.5 months after I started playing the game.
The gas tactical in this game is so insane that its almost worse than a stun. Also, the shock stick was a horrendous addition to the game, why not cause every single person to go through a whole mag and walk slow as hell.
I have played almost every COD, while I really did not like Advanced Warfare or Infinity War, I am even more upset with this game. To have so many years of preparation and player database knowledge to still screw up this badly is so bad.
I expected a lot out of this but it will never come close to the OG MW2. Please take this advice Activision and never publish a renewed MW3. To make another great game horrible, would be more than a tragedy