Personally to me the film felt really generic and boring at almost half an hour in to this movie I was tempted to walk out I mean if your film has dabbing in the first ten minutes you've instantly lost my interest combined with the shaky can and explosions and generic billionaire wants to be even richer plot it brings me back to the dark place of the awful Michael Bay transformer movies. However, one major problem with this film relies on cringy and dated humour such as the nude leech scene, where it lasts for a while and it tries so hard to be funny but fails in my eyes, which is a problem with the hole movie, it prioritises it's comedy over its adventure, which I'm fine with if A, it was actually funny and B it didn't feel like I was only watching a film that was 10% action and 90% failed comedy. But What's worse is both the world and the characters felt half baked and rushed particular the main character and antagonistic, the latter of whom felt barely a presence in the story and his backstory was underutilized as well as the protagonist which I feel is the biggest problem in the film, the fact it feels so rushed and feels like their should be more to the story. Furthermore, the film contains major plot holes such as the protagonist saying she's sapiosexual but instantly gets turned on by a dude who saves her and the ending of the film is awful not only is the lost city not discovered until the last ten minutes of the film but the treasure is a lazy copout cliché lazy ending that I saw a mile away. It is overall a very corporate and cringy flm that you can only stomach seeing more than once and cringy to watch. But it isn't harmful to watch so i recommend only watching this film of to have literally nothing else at all to do.