A Place Further Than A Universe (2018)
No doubt that this is THE BEST SERIES (Animation) i've watched so far. There are LOTS of great things about this one. I don't even know where to start. Its so special that i know i'll cherish this series forever.
Small thing yet so powerful about this series. Beside it's heart warming stories, fully developed characters, and beautiful graphic, this series had the most simple plans that they want to share to the world. I love that this series will give a little bit of hope and light to their viewers. Beautiful sceneries, modern jokes, and strong friendship tale will guide you throughout their adventurous journey and dreams. Ohhh and its a tear-jerking one (you've been warned), but again the things that will make you hopeful or laugh or cry like a baby are things that are so simple in the story.
If you love a slice of life anime, this one for you. If you love a touching story, this is made for you. If you want something different, yes you need to try this one. But again, whoever you are (even if you're not an anime lovers) YOU SHOULD WATCH THIS ONE. If you haven't watch this one, you're missing out a very wonderful moments.
Now stop reading this and go download it!!!!