It is a good show but it is also very
manipulative. The people voted Brexit.
May has been the only one trying to do any deal whilst the rest of the very merry gang of cut throats do nothing other than try to condemn her or to gain power, no wonder we are and she is in this mess.
They keep saying Teresa May isn't listening. Yet it is those who criisise her who not listen. Never ever take No Deal off the table if we do we have lost all respect globally. Scotland voted in a referendum to remain in the UK but regardless of the majority vote wants to swing that descision the other way because Scotland majority voted to remain in the EU.
They are all schemers with their own agendas which is very apparent across all parties.
So let's just all the parties across the board concentrate on what is more important.
This is a political and economic war.
Perhaps we should ask ourselves what would Churchill or Maggie do in a war?
Stand our ground. We voted to leave the EU. It is about time that the people's vote be respected.