I took the day off work the day this game came out, it was amazing. I spent hours on my first jedi, setting him up, getting all my skills lined up and maxed. It was exactly what I wanted from Star Wars, and the community really rose to the occasion, it was so welcoming and friendly.
The game today is a complete 180. If you're FTP, you're not playing even close to the same game as a subscription player. They limit your level, your exp, your storage space, what you can do, where you can go, everything. You can't even trade, and you can only send a message once every 60 seconds, so good luck carrying on a conversation if you have a question on how to do something. If you're subscribing, you're about halfway to that wonderful experience I started with, because the story is just so STAR WARS, ya know? You will fall in love, you'll be betrayed, and then you'll get revenge. But the battle system has been tweaked into ridiculousness by EA to the point that I regularly come across reviews that you simultaneously need to be using 4 skill bars continuously just to progress. I can kind of confirm that, I subbed for a bit just to see if I would still like it, but I couldn't get the hang of a 30 key rotation.
Brings me to my main point: The community. If you're going to let your kid play this game, disable all the chat functions. Don't give it a try, don't think I'm exaggerating, the community is one of the worst I've found. I can say without hyperbole that I wouldn't be at all surprised to find out that the KKK or the Proud Boys or whatever was using this game as their messaging system because every time you move into an area with more than like 3 players, you will be treated to the most vile and racist and completely unashamed strings of verbal abuse I've ever come across. The stuff people say to you on Xbox live isn't even in the same ballpark, and EA has zero interest in doing anything about it. My block list must have 600 names on it, and it doesn't even make a dent in the amount of vitriol I see on this game.
Giving this game 2 stars: One because I firmly believe the devs love Star Wars as much as I do, and that comes across in the story. The second star is because a lot of the game is really beautifully done.