Not sure why this show got such poor reviews when it came out because I just finished the first season and am already hoping S2 won't take as ridiculously forever like how all those AHS seasons take. I am actually surprised I like this 'so much' since S.Paulson is the main character, and I am NOT a fan. I just find it difficult watching her speak because she's always got globs of saliva stringing from her teeth. Her acting is fine. So I try my best to concentrate above her nose until she kisses someone then I get grossed. As far as the others, loved seeing the always gorgeous S. Stone. D'Onofrio as always plays brilliantly. Ah...Judy Davis! I've missed her, she's always been one of my favorites. I am somewhat irked Stone, Briones and especially Craver were axed. Did not like that at all. C.Nixon would've been a better choice. The motel owner would've been a great choice or/and Ondine the split personality patient. Those three for the above three would have been smart choices. That motel irritates me because it doesn't make sense to the layout and I don't appreciate when they do that thinking we don't have the sense to know the difference. LOVE the fashions on Paulson and Stone and I look forward to more, and the decor is fabulous. If this series came out as a happy replacement to AHS it is worthy! I would love Lang and most defiantly Bates to join. So far, S1 is a winner. Hope they can keep it interesting.