This game is just a copy of last year, with minor exceptions and changes to gameplay. Unfortunately, it feels like every year that this game is released, there are gameplay changes for the worst; most specifically with shooting. The shot meter does not feel at all reflective of the bricks that you end up releasing, when you could not get the lines to meet up more perfectly, and your player has created more space than LeBron’s hairline. The defence appears to have changed this year, with smaller PG/SG players unable to lock down on the perimeter with larger players easily running around like they’re standing still. The players reactions feel delayed with too much focus on poor, non-fluid animations. This is particularly evident when attempting to make a steal or block and the player swats for the ball in the completely opposite direction and stumbles about 45m from the starting position, allowing a free unobstructed run to the bucket. Additionally, this game is designed to be increasingly unrewarding forcing people to spend a significant amount of real money to build players/teams up, and buying their Myteam packs is just pure gambling. I would not recommend this game and do not intend on purchasing any future games from the 2K franchise in future, which is a shame because they had a good thing going a few years back.