As far as fantasy movies goes, it's decent. This is an adventure comedy/heist movie. It's Oceans Eleven with wizards. It's no Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, but it's not The Sword and the Sorcerer, either.
There is a lot of D&D references to the game and your typical gaming table, complete with the most relatable tableside jokes that most gamers will recognize and appreciate/cringe.
It is a fun movie, but not a memorable one. Mediocrity is the name of the game here and it provides a cheap, shallow thrill. Not worth the theater price, but worth a watch on Paramount. You won't be disappointed in it, but you won't be mad if you fell asleep during it, either.
This movie probably would have been better as a YouTube video, where all the relevant jokes could have been told in 14 minutes and saved the audience 2 hours of cornball jokes and average CGI.