I liked this show when it first aired but after watching the final season, it turned out that it wasn't about country farming and ranching at all. It was a show to promote socialism, gun control and legalizing marijuana. I especially liked the part where Maggie said she didn't mind hunting rifles, it was assault weapons she opposed. But she wasn't handing in her assault rifle, it was a hunting rifle. She stole her husband's gun and asked how many times he'd used it; his reply was once or twice. If you're ranching in Colorado and have only had to use your gun to protect your herd once or twice, it would be a freaking miracle. I wish Hollywood would keep their story lines on subjects they can comprehend. If you're struggling to keep a story line legit, please call in experts to explain the real world. Reasons a cowboy would carry a gun: Coyotes, wolves, bears, mountain lions, putting a severely wounded animal out of it's misery, etc. Reasons to hand in your guns: you are scared of them, you don't know how to properly use them, you have armed guards to protect you 24/7. Sorry Netflix, you blew this one.