utter garbage. i watched it in 4dx, hoping it'd at least live up to the action hype.
the rock has made the movie all about himself. everything is so hard to believe. the dialogues are lazy, the story is lazy, the actors are also quite lazy. can we just stop pretending that the 4-5 stars reviews on google seem to be pretty much written by bots or paid review farms.
i was so disappointed that i started to sleep in the 4dx theater. can you imagine, i got so annoyed by the constant shaking and vibrating of the seats that i left.
the characters speak like they're taking themselves so seriously.
there is literally no story. there is no character building for any characters. the rock has just one expression.
the rock acts like just cuz he is in the movie, it must be loved and period.
i have seen lesser egomaniacs and divas like him. why is black adam bad? cuz he says he is.
comic books based movies weren't more than fast food level in terms of quality for sure, but, they're literally following the same path as popular fast food chains, make people addicted, then reduce the quality with each passing year while increasing the prices to astronomical levels.
the movie is a parody of the superhero genre. i hope people can prove that just spending on marketing doesn't mean that you can buy people's favor, and i hope the rock's career dies.