The checkpoint system is hot garbage, manual saves redirect you to the checkpoints, the story Is bare-bones where the handful of characters only get a five minute spotlight and disappear for entire chunks of the game, the "villain" other than being a catalyst has little to no bearing on what you do, and the main character doesn't get any character arc or satisfying conclusion (unless they are Saving it for dlc..) combat is clunky, repetitive, and dull once mastering the dodge mechanic bosses can't even touch you. But instakill at full health if they happen to catch you getting stuck on some random thing in the environment. Melee attacks (of which is the core mechanic) have you latching on to your enemies and throwing off your position and often turning your back on enemies. And enemies are evidently very patient as mindless zombies and wait their turn while you fight another one on one. The upgrade system feels good at first but I never felt like the weapons Final upgrades were worth purchasing due to it being an alternate fire mode only and consuming twice as much ammo, inventory space was severely lacking and stores were so few and far between that whatever limited space I had was clogged up with junk items to sell (of which money was hard to find) I often had to abandon ammo or sell health packs which would have been nice to have a storage area to keep unused items for the late game where there weren't many items. Overall a pretty game but I wish they didn't spend all their budget on talent and focused more on writing and gameplay. As for thier zombies being mindless sadly the game itself seems just as soulless..