Criminally overrated movie..Far too stretched and dragged..too predictable by watching first ten minutes of the movie you can say that Arthur fleck becomes joker because people torturing him and making fun of his wait for something big to happen but it doesn't movie stays the way it was in the beginning..Joker is actually smart , dangerous , manipulative , unpredictable but in the movie he's none of them..he's just a man who's suffering from mental illness who is done with the would have been great if it was only Arthur Fleck's story and not joker's...sad that people treat It as one of the greatest movie of all time but in reality it is just another movie with dark tone.
Good :-
Joaquin phoenix (offcourse)
Supporting cast
Background score
Bad :-
Predictable Story (offcourse)
Long and overstretched scenes
Opinions are subjective so It is only my opinion abt the movie your opinion may differ