Movie is entertaining but I would not watch again. Good period piece dramas I will watch over and over, like 10x! What I find hilarious is the wokies that rage against "cultural appropriation". Or misogyny. Lol the list? People from "different" cultures playing European people. It doesn't bother me in the least that the movie is not historically accurate for that time period. Read the biography of William Wilberforce. It took over 20 years of Wilberforce and hundreds of other Christians to abolish slavery in 1834! This was the beginning of the English people waking up to the attrocities of the West Indies slave trade and sugar plantations. Wilberforce, ex slave owners, African American free men, and his friends gave a tireless effort in writing about the horrific treatment of the African slaves by books, pamphlets and poems to inform the general English public. Most English people didnt have a clue what attrocities were being committed in the name of their sugar! There was also severe opposition from the sugar industry. To make the law is one triumph but to enforce it was another. So England bought the freedom of the slaves by paying the plantation owners. The spark 🔥 of abolition from Wilberforce was the FIRST in the world as slavery unfortunately was the norm for the last 4500 years in every nation on earth. This spread to America and started another Christian led abolition of slavery. It's not racist to understand this movie doesnot fit in historical context, as an ignorant reviewer alleged. It took awhile for England to accept other people from different countries. Just like it took awhile to end the barbarism of slavery. The acting is excellent and plot delightful. I just hope the same people that scream cultural appropriation can understand people from different cultures can enjoy other people's cultures. That is NOT racism. It's the opposite.