This movie is pinkwashing and gaybaiting at it’s finest. It is going to contribute to many young gay men viewing themselves as irreparably damaged deviants when they are not so. It focuses on the internal struggle of being gay but without nuance (what can one expect from a straight director & lead?) that poorly describes the loneliness of a life lead inauthentic. It’s terrible and in my view a cultural genocide of the gay experience - a straight fantasy of what it means to be a queer. I feel terrible for the young queer people watching this that this film pushes further into the closet. It’s more focused on how being covertly gay and in a straight relationship affects the wife. Less so on the cultural expectations and what it means to hide your whole identity from the world. Even in death. Not to mention pretentious and pseudo-intellectual. Did anyone consult even anyone who is remotely queer when making this production? …maybe it would’ve been good in 2005 before Brokeback Mountain came out, which follows a similar plotline but touches on the depravity of heterosexual norms destroying many, many lives. What a pity it couldn’t be part of changing the world for the better.