The movie isn't about the acting or how the plot was. The movie put forward the sensitive subject of the stolen generation and how it effected Aboriginal families, during this time period White people kidnapped /forcefully removed mixed raced Aboriginal children and sometimes adults to try and breed their Aboriginal race out. The act of breeding a race out is very disgraceful and inhumane because to Aboriginal people, my people, to loose culture, skin colour and language is very sad, because our ancestors didn't give us culture only to be taken away from white people, white people who think that giving half caste people a white life will 'civilize' them. Aboriginal law and culture is the longest living culture on earth and to be mistreated like they were in the early 1900s was appalling and very uncalled for, before white people came to Australia, Aboriginal people lived in harmony and peace with their land and culture and along with other tribes,by saying this you could imagine how my people lived and how happy they were before this horrific event. So just to clarify to the people who know nothing of the historical context of this film, it was hard running away from white constables as they had cars and such, where as Aboriginal people used their feet to try and run, old people that use rocks to hit their heads aren't doing it for your entertainment it is a way of numbing pain and grieving and also Molly as her story goes did her best to protect her little sister and cousin and what Gracie decided to do was also understandable because of her love towards her mother and couldn't really be argued about by Molly, it wasn't her fault she was kind enough to actually take the man's words into consideration and then to actually do it. furthermore this topic isn't for entertainment it is a story about the harsh reality of racism at the time and how people struggled to fight it .