If Queen Cleopatra is the level of capability of the writer and director then I would direct them to study the description and accuracy of carpet in Forensic Files because that has more talent, judgement and skills then what they demonstrated.
The below reference inclusion is a comparison of approach about a fantasy tv series that actually displays modern and ancient themes. Erasure of cultural heritage of any African nation by America is wrong on so many levels. Why accept it for a documentary when we don't even accept it for a fantasy series about magical superheroes with super powers.
It is tragic that if you want a show with better cultural accuracy we have to point to Moon Knight... On any level the writers, producers and directors of Cleopatra should not be hired or funded for any future series. The sets were awful, the setups were ludicrous and inaccurate, the lines were bad, the costume design was a mess.
Perhaps the only good thing about the show is it has shined a light on harmful culture erasure that persists to this day and that racists like the shows staff often claim others, (in this case people living in an African nation talking about their own culture), are being racist when they speak up for their culture. Trying to defend the director's, producer's and writer's racist actions. Might as well cry in dismay as their approach to the criticism is very harmful to the cause of removing this type of discrimination, particularly in their own nation. You cannot call them woke when they are sleep walking old racist tropes; complete with the ridiculous makeup.
Aka what they should have done (like try research from actual diverse Africans who lived in the country not Americans who superimpose their fantasy to erase cultural history):
"[Director] Mohamed [Diab] being Egyptian, it was extraordinarily important to [him] – he has so much pride in his Egyptian culture and Egyptian people, and he was very adamant from day one that the Egyptians were represented in a way of: this is not Hollywood in a sense of, like, fable-ising how Egyptians have been represented in other scenarios. He wanted it to be very real," she said.
"[Layla El-Faouly actress] May [Calamawy] is part-Egyptian, and has spent time in Egypt. Mohamed's assistant is Egyptian. So I spoke to her about a lot of things, about younger women being represented in Egypt: 'As an American, this is what I'm reading, but please tell me the reality of what living in Egypt is like, or what going to school in Egypt is like.'
"I wanted to know all those things," the designer continued. "I spoke with Mohamed's wife and a few other people that were working on the production as far as representation.
"So that was always very, very important. And I have to credit Marvel because they were very much like: 'We need to represent Egypt in the way that Mohamed wants to showcase Egypt and reality, and not fable-ise what the story is.'"
Kasperlik went on to note that it "was very important that you had an Egyptian director driving that for us to showcase this".
She added: "I do a tremendous amount of research for any project that I do. So, you know, really researching not only Ancient Egypt – so we have the moments of Khonshu, and how we bring that into the Moon Knight character – but also in discussing [the range of what] Egypt is."
Yes a fantasy series with superheroes from across the world will depart from reality (they go into multiple dimensions) but it was a closer shot than the supposed "documentary" series Cleopatra. Geez even Dr Who was closer and that is a sad state of affairs.