The Barbie Movie was Cute! The clothes on all the Different Barbies was TERRIFIC!!! I don’t think it Really Catered to the Younger crowd who Plays with Barbie Dolls though.. The only time you saw Little Girls playing with Dolls was the First 3 minutes of the Movie.. After that ALL Adults.. Adult innuendos were said. To Most Adults we Would Understand and Some of Us Find Funny. But to a Child under the age of 10. Hopefully they Would NOT pick up on those Comments or Understand them at that Age.. Again a Cute movie. The Message I Got From it was that Girls can Do or Be Whom ever they want. No matter what they look like. There was 1 Handicap in Wheelchair and 1 overweight Barbie shown. And a Pregnant Barbie. They said she was a Discontinued Barbie.. There were a Few Other Discontinued Barbie Models too!! They were Funny. I didn’t even know they were REALLY made Dolls..!!!! Good Girls afternoon Movie and Have Fun Dressing Like Barbie!! We Did and I Was Really Surprised How MANY Girls and Guy Were Dressed like Barbie and Ken!!!! Fun Afternoon and it Helped too that our Movie Theater served Alcohol with our Popcorn!! Hey Barbie Can Have a Glass too!!!!