'Charlie’s Will' is a rural romance with a difference. Set in the magnificent country of the Barrington Tops, this story hums with the routine of country life, portrayed lovingly by an author who is clearly at ease with her subject. But, at the heart of 'Charlie’s Will' is the dilemma that often underscores rural life: the battle to keep a family property operating given the dire impact of drought and the seductive lure of a lucrative offer from big business. Alongside this dilemma sits another that is also increasingly undermining the rural sector — the loss of the younger generation to the city.
These are the battles that dominate this story. Main characters Rose and Angus are thrown together by Charlie’s will — the last gasp of her dying grandfather as he fought to save his family property. But even as he tried desperately to plan a future that would see his beloved farm saved, the forces of greed were ranged against him. With Charlie gone, it is up to Rose to save all he has fought for.
Susan Mackie’s story is replete with detailed descriptions of country life which bring the setting alive with vivid colour and precious detail. The plot races along with see-sawing tension, but pauses at choice moments as if to allow the reader to literally stop and smell the roses.
'Charlie’s Will' is a delicious rural read for those who love a pacey story, richly detailed setting and vibrant, compelling characters.
Highly recommended.