If your used to previous films like Insidious & The Conjuring....save your time...I had high hopes for another thriller with the deep mind horror that he has done in the past especially going back to the "Further", but alas it was so far out left field he didn't even go the same route. The plot seemed standard, and then as it went on we got heavily annoyed at the dialogue, even with a few attempts at jump scares, it just didn't hold up to the horror of previous films. The plot twist was interesting, and kind of ridiculous at the same time with a heavy "WHY??!!" that we belted out. I love his films and he has a unique twist on what horror films should be these days, but this was kind of a " wah, wah, wah, waaahhhh..." kind of film that we are glad we didn't waist our money on since it was on HBOMax.